Futurist Think Tanks



Futurist Think Tanks Speaker Business CorporateAs one of the world’s best-known futurist keynote speakers, Scott Steinberg will work closely with your company or organization to develop executive summits, think tank events and customized events or conference sessions. Operating hand-in-hand with internal staff, he and the team at TechSavvy Global partner with meeting planners and event directors to identify session topics, craft compelling programs, and identify relevant study materials and expert speakers or presenters to address these subjects.

Private, public and custom events provide an in-depth exploration of current and future trends, innovations, shifts and strategic Futurist Think Tank Keynote Speakerdevelopments that impact your industry and enterprise. Available for presentation to senior management and executives, individual teams, and industry or association-wide gatherings, programs are available in multiple fields, and at every scope and size.

Contact us for more information on planning your next futurist speaking event today.

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About Scott Steinberg

  • World-famous for 10+ years of accurately predicting business and technology trends and their impact on the consumer and commercial worlds: Seen by a billion people worldwide.
  • Author of nine books, including bestseller The Crowdfunding Bible and The Business Expert’s Guidebook, hailed by industry leaders as “the one book every entrepreneur should keep handy.”
  • Featured in 400+ outlets from NPR to The Wall St. Journal; expert columnist on change and innovation for CNN, Inc., Fast Company, The Huffington Post and Rolling Stone.
  • Strategic advisor to leaders from Fortune 500 businesses and brands, including Microsoft, Sony, Intel, ESPN and MTV.
  • Proven entrepreneur noted for building profitable startups and divisions: Hailed as leading authority from BusinessWeek to Forbes and USA Today.

 Clients Include:


 “It’s always a pleasure working with Scott. His speeches and presentations not only deliver powerful insight for business and consumer leaders, they also deliver massive value and takeaway for organizations of every kind.”

Asante Bradford, Georgia Department of Economic Development


“Scott’s unique expertise is wide and deep: He has a gift for making complex ideas easily understood. His presentations always offer valuable insight for audiences of all backgrounds and experience levels.”

Ian Kelso, Canadian Interactive Alliance


“I found Scott to be one of best-informed and insightful analysts I have encountered. He has a wonderful ability to recognize and communicate evolving patterns that are driving the market. Equally important, he expresses his perceptions cogently and clearly, and supports his assessments with specific proof points.”

Thomas Ryan, Analyst Strategy Group

“Highly recommended…Super sharp, well equipped, adaptable and finely polished, Scott’s strategic thinking is second to none: We’ve enlisted his talents as a speaker on multiple occasions and are constantly begging him to come back.

Steve Fowler, Ayzenberg Group Advertising


“Scott is a dynamic speaker and business thought leader whose workshops and training sessions have proven their worth for both me and my teams – I recommend him for a variety of audiences from interns to senior execs.

Corey Rosemond, Plantronics
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