Most major companies from AT&T to Staples now boast corporate blogs, which serve as vital conduit to connect and engage with customers, whether those customers are end users or other businesses. We take an extensive look at corporate blogging and how to best design content marketing plans in [...]
It’s not just individuals that need to understand the nuances of online communications and social media etiquette—organizations need to be well-versed in these topics too. Our bestselling book, The Business Etiquette Bible, features hints, tips, and expert advice from top executives on how market leaders and working professionals [...]
Great leadership isn’t a matter of avoiding disagreements, but rather skillfully addressing them when they arise. Minor conflicts won’t hurt a relationship, or organization, if handled adroitly – in fact, the process of overcoming challenges makes us wiser, stronger, and more empathetic. Rather, it’s the hard-hitting, boundary-defining, and [...]
April 30, 2018
Posted in
Customer Service,
Social Media,
Common wisdom holds that we’re all competing for something in business, whether it’s time, money, attention, or other limited resources. But what if working hand-in-hand with competitors was actually the more effective strategy for getting ahead – and collaborating with rivals could actually help you create more win-win [...]
Many of us use social networks in our daily lives, but don’t quite know how to best fit these mediums into professional and business-related activities. We’ve covered these topics extensively in our bestselling book The Business Etiquette Bible – a complete guide to leading and communicating in the [...]
Look down at your phone, look up at your computer, or even just glance around your office. Virtually every aspect of our lives – and nearly every interaction and workplace object contained within them – has been dramatically changed by the advent of technology. As we point out [...]
Everyone’s got an opinion: Some are just more vocal (and irate) than others. As many market leaders can tell you, customer complaints are the price of leadership – but it doesn’t mean they can’t be beneficial, or a source or inspiration and motivation both on the personal and [...]
Listening and empathy – defined as the ability to understand and share others’ feelings – go a long way towards building healthy friendships and romantic relationships. But it may surprise you to learn that these skills are of equal value in the boardroom and business community as well. [...]
Good customer service is enough to satisfy a purchaser. But great customer service is what it takes to make a purchaser come back to you time and time again. Case in point: One major study found that 69 percent of customers typically cease to do business with providers [...]
“Customer experience is the new marketing,” says Mercedes Benz USA President and CEO Steve Cannon, and few quotes capture how vital that the process of building strong customer relationships now is to the health of your business. What’s more, Cannon’s quote cuts two ways: Word of mouth drives [...]