Leading With Change + Innovation

Keynote Speaker. Bestselling Author. Strategic Consultant.


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“If you really want to know about business, you should refer to Scott Steinberg.” -Sir Richard Branson, Virgin Group



Families have been celebrating “firsts” since time immemorial, including baby’s first words, a child’s first loose tooth, and little ones getting dropped off for their first day of school. And as explained in our recent bestselling book Parenting High-Tech Kids: The Ultimate Internet, Web, and Online Safety Guide, [...]

You may not realize it, but today’s growingly powerful HDTVs, Ultra HD TVs, 3D TVs and so-called Smart TVs (read: Internet-connected sets) can also provide kids with extensive ways to connect online. And as every parent knows, more connectivity means more safety concerns, as discussed in our recent [...]

As we explain in Parenting High-Tech Kids: The Ultimate Internet, Web, and Online Safety Guide, whether discussing Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+ or other services, the key element that defines a social network is the fact that personalized content is being created and shared between real-world users in an [...]

As we explain in recent book Parenting High-Tech Kids: The Ultimate Internet, Web, and Online Safety Guide, instant messenger (IM) programs allow kids to enjoy real-time chats with others by sharing text messages and animated or visual icons (typically emoticons, which convey mood or expression) instantaneously. As soon [...]