Leading With Change + Innovation

Keynote Speaker. Bestselling Author. Strategic Consultant.


  • The New York Times
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  • USA Today
  • Good Morning America
  • CNN

“If you really want to know about business, you should refer to Scott Steinberg.” -Sir Richard Branson, Virgin Group



High-tech devices, social networks, and downloadable apps are now essential communications tools, and an everyday part of personal and professional life. But what does proper etiquette look like in an online + connected world? How do modern manners apply in the digital and social age? And what are [...]

Do you need a keynote speaker for a Boston event? A motivational speaker who can inspire your team to innovate, spot trends and grow the company exponentially? Maybe someone who can help you make sense of industry trends, and changing consumer demand? Whatever your requirements from a keynote [...]

Researching the best keynote speakers in Miami, Florida? This waterfront paradise is a city best known for its gorgeous beaches, vibrant nightlife, and stunning, Latin-tinged culture. But when it comes down to business, Miami is a go-to spot for conventions and company gatherings. Vital to the success of [...]