Leading With Change + Innovation

Keynote Speaker. Bestselling Author. Strategic Consultant.


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“If you really want to know about business, you should refer to Scott Steinberg.” -Sir Richard Branson, Virgin Group

Change Management and Leadership Secrets

Traveling the world as change management speakers, futurists and strategic innovation consultants, we enjoy the chance to interact with many of today’s biggest business and brands, and gain some insight into their leadership strategies. The secret most successful organizations understand that differentiates them from those for whom the increasingly accelerated pace at which progress occurs continues to be a challenge? A willingness to set aside fears, take decisive action and implement the processes, people and programs needed to cultivate strategic, measured failure with an eye towards eventual long-term success – a program which allow these businesses and management leaders to stay ahead of developing trends and developments.

Common professional speaking topics for us, we find that most corporate or non-profit organizations are well aware of the benefits to be reaped from mastering these techniques. The challenge for many is simply how to get executive buy-in, and implement the frameworks within their existing business structure, all while dealing with multiple stakeholders and sponsors, all of whom are continually pulled in 50 different directions by shifting expectations, competitors and markets. Happily, many of today’s brightest business minds are increasingly making constant adaptation and forward-thinking key priorities, and encouraging diversity, ownership and participation among employees, and flattening lines of communication to allow all to participate in the process.

As you’ll see in the following short speech on change management, there’s a good reason to consider doing so yourself as well – constant motion is key to professional survival in today’s globalized, 24/7 marketplace. We invite you to watch it and share your thoughts, as we’re always excited to hear how others are successfully managing new developments, projects and product launches within their organization. Remember: Change is good – and it’s even better when you’re committed to getting out in front of the curve, helping you spot and react to opportunities before competitors can respond.

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